Special Offers

° Last minute summer Grimaldi Lines -30%
Go from Civitavecchia and Porto Torres to Barcelona with a 30% discount. The offer is valid for reservations until 31/08 and departures up to 30/09. It may be combined with other promotions. Limited availability.
° GNV Morocco promo -30%
Get a 30% discount on the return trip. Valid for reservations until 20/08 and departures up to 30/09.
° GNV Tunisia promo -30%
Get a 30% discount on the return trip. Valid for reservations until 20/08 and departures up to 30/09.
° Go from Livorno and Civitavecchia to Sardinia with a 20% discount.
The offer is valid for reservations until 16/12; departures from 30/08 to 17/12 from Livorno to Olbia, and from 30/08 to 30/09 from Civitavecchia to Olbia. Limited availability.
° GNV: 2hearts1 cabin
Book your romantic getaway to Sardinia! One double cabin and a car with price from € 149. Valid for reservations until 20/08 and departures up to 30/09. Limited availability.
° Tirrenia special offer to Sardinia
The best offer of Tirrenia for 2025 season to Sardinia, to Olbia and Porto Torres: -50% discount on car return, -100% child up to 11 years, -10% four guests cabin
° Special agreement with Hotel Nuovo Nord in Genoa (Italy)
Throughout the month, exclusively for customers TraghettiWeb, arriving or departing by ferry from Genoa, may stay in a hotel room to visit the city with a discount of 60%..
° GRANDI NAVI VELOCI: Sardinia, Sicily Spain, Tunisia, Morocco
From Genoa, Livorno, Civitavecchia and Palermo (Italy) to Barcelona (Spain), Tunis (Tunisia), Tanger (Morocco) and Porto Torres and Olbia (Sardinia)... Best tariffs and service... Booking on line!...
° SNAV: ferries to Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and Croatia
The best offers starting 10 euro to Croatia (Ancona-Split) Sardinia (Civitavecchia-Olbia), Sicily (Civitavecchia and Napoli-Palermo) Hydrofoil to Aeolian Islands from Naples and Paxi from Brindisi... ...
° TTT LINES: in Sicily with your car - 10 euro
Seasonal Bonus ferry line from Naples to Catania (Sicily) special price of 10 euro. Reservation in Real Time...
° ANEK LINES: ferries to Greece up to 50% discount
From Venice and Ancona (Italy) to Patras, Igoumenitsa and Corfu (Greece) and from Piraeus to Crete with special fares... Booking on line!...
° MINOAN LINES: ferries to Greece up to 30% discount
From Venice and Ancona (Italy) to Patras, Igoumenitsa and Corfu (Greece) and from Piraeus to Crete with special fares... Booking on line! ...
° COSTA CROCIERE: Speciale 10% sconto con SUPERBONUS
Le migliori offerte selezionate di Costa Crociere con il massimo sconto più l'offerta SuperBonus per il Mediterraneo prenotando subito. Ragazzi fino a 18 anni gratis
° GRIMALDI FERRIES: new Super Bonus tariffs
From Italy to Spain to Corsica, to Tunisia with a new special tarif. Booking online!
° ADRIA FERRIES: Ferry service to Albania online
From Ancona (Italy) or Bari (South Italy) to Durres (Albania) with special tariffs... and booking on line!
° CORSICA SARDINIA FERRIES: Auto ad 1 euro per Sardegna e Corsica
Speciale offerta su tutte le linee traghetto per la Sardegna e la Corsica, offerta limitata, al prezzo speciale di 1 euro per le partenze di tutto l'anno...
Ferry Companies